Adding seats in schools that work
Investing to expand or replicate high-impact schools

Established in 2015
The Drexel Fund is a nonprofit organization that offers education, funding programs, networking, and advisory support services to schools.
The Drexel Fund invests and partners in the growth of high-quality, financially sustainable networks of private schools to create transformational outcomes for students and families. We provide growth funding to nonprofit school operators replicating for the first time and existing networks seeking to expand. Following an extensive review of operations and outcomes, we provide planning grants to engage external consultants (e.g., network design, academics, facilities, finance, technology) to support the development of a strategic growth plan and engage closely with our portfolio as strategic advisors. Strong strategic growth plans will be eligible for multi-year growth funding to support replication.
Portfolio members will develop an ongoing relationship with an assigned Drexel Fund staff member, who will monitor the investment closely, including quarterly check-ins and review of annual milestones. Ongoing advisory support from Drexel team members may be supplemented with targeted support from external consultants and/or advisors.
Application Process
Applications to The Drexel Fund are by invitation only. The application begins with an initial screen, which requires the submission via email of the following three elements:
Enrollment & Demographic Data
Applicants are asked to submit basic school and management information, as well as data related to demographics and enrollment for the previous four years, using the templates provided by The Drexel Fund.
Academic Data
Organizations must provide four years of national norm-referenced test data, state test data, if applicable, and other academic indicators for evaluation using the templates provided by The Drexel Fund.
Operational Data
Applicants also are asked to submit additional operational data regarding school finances, including audited financials for each of the prior three years, the management letter that accompanies the most recent audit, a current year budget, and a balance sheet as of application date.
Next Steps
If a school successfully passes our initial screen, members of The Drexel Fund team will visit your school to meet with board and other school leadership to determine if you are an investment candidate. Investment candidates are eligible to receive business planning grant support and, once a multi-year business and financial plan for network expansion is created, may be considered for growth funding.
The Drexel Fund welcomes all organizations that meet our investment criteria to contact us. If you haven’t already been in contact with a staff member at The Drexel Fund, please email us at